klusha111 ([info]klusha111) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-23 07:46:00

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OMG, fate
So I get really annoyed at things generally being uncooperative with my attempts to make progress on my new website (check out the cool URL--thanks Steve! :), and I went crazy and went to look for something to drink.. and the house was ALL OUT OF POP. We're talking about a complete carbonated beverage emergency, folks. Plus I needed to do some of my grocery shopping anyway, so I decided to head down Saddlecreek to the Baker's that is open 24 hours, by Leavenworth.I walk around the store a few times, getting the things I need, and a few things to replenish the store, and when I am about to leave I realize that I should get some lettuce. I push the cart back to the opposite side of the store where the produce is located, and as I am approaching the end of the aisle abutting the produce, I see a girl in a grey college sweatshirt with familiar brown wavy shoulder-length hair, talking on a cell phone. No, it couldn't be.. could it? Her? I'll just swing over to across from where she is examining bananas to get a closer look, and maybe cough to get her attention, or drop something.But I didn't even get close before she turned around and her eyes lit up. "OMG!" "Catie Williams?!" "Brad Bower?!" and so on, so forth. This is the totally hot and adorable Catie that I worked with at Sears for a couple of months, helped train, got really close with, told a lot of things to, became friends with, and then left when I quit Sears. We caught up on everything.. we talked about how I left Sears, and the hardware department, how she left Sears, why, and previous coworkers, how they left Sears. Turns out the poor girl got fired along with other coworkers for silly things like ringing sales for others. We caught up on all of that, and where we each work now, talked about a mutual friend from APAC (Stacey), exchanged cellphone numbers, showed off cellphones (me with my 7135 palm phone and she showed me her Panasonic GU87 camera phone.. not too shabby), and then just chatted some more about life. It was so hilarious and refreshing and not as hard as I thought, or negative at all. I was glad to see her and know she is doing well. Turns out her and a guy from work that I had kinda set up went out for a year, and then broke up, and then he got shot at and moved to Des Moines, haha! What a crazy world. But after half an hour of chit-chatting at midnight in the produce section, we each had to get going.That was just amazing. It's odd to think of all the things leading up to that experience that could have easily not happened or that I could have just done nothing about and ignored, never leading me to see her for maybe the rest of my life (who knows). Wow.

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