klusha111 ([info]klusha111) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-22 03:54:00

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sold a camera, paid a bill, did something mean
I was able to sell my Veo VGA SD slot camera for my Palm, without even putting it on eBay. Hooray. I am going to pack it up and ship it out so that I can just drop it off tomorrow Priority Mail. I only got $50+shipping for it, which is a little over half of what I paid for it, but then it really was a cheap, silly little toy so it is barely worth that in the first place, and at least I got something. I only used it like 4 or 5 times to take pictures, never even could get them downloaded, carried it on my key ring for a whole day and realized it was stupid.So today I went down to pay the MUD bill with my Mom, this is downtown at the main MUD building and payment office. I go inside and try to pay the bill, but the bitch tells me that they aren't going to take credit or debit cards, and to go to the ATM down the street somewhere. "Is it a Commercial Federal ATM?" I ask her. She doesn't know, but advises me that, "maybe you should go to your bank and get cash before you come to pay the bills. I can help who is next."Sure enough, it is not a Com-Fed ATM down the street. So we drive around looking for one, no such luck. We ended up driving all the way down to one in South Omaha. We pulled up to the ATM, and then I told my mom to park because I am going in the bank. I went inside and asked for $300, in one dollar bills, very politely. I expected them to charge me, but no, and they were so courteous. (Just when I get tired of this bank they get all nice with me, argh!) So once she hands me the pile in a neat little plastic bag (about 4-5" thick!), I thank the teller and we go back to MUD. Now, I tried to wait for the same snitty old hag who ushered me out previously, but some other one really wanted me to come over, so I did. I handed her the bill, and then laid down the bag. She made some remark about how "It's not very nice to bring in money like this." So then I explained to her that I wasn't treated very nicely either, and because they can't accept credit/debit cards there like everyone else in this century, or like the OPPD/MUD payment centers inside of a couple of grocery stores can, and wasted my time coming in, ushered me out, and I had to go waste more of my time finding my bank so I wouldn't have to pay foreign ATM fees, and then driving back here, I was going to waste their time too. I told her that maybe she should relay the message to her manager that she had to waste her time counting money instead of swiping a happy customer's card! So she counted the money with her little attitude, threw my change on the counter, and told me to have a nice day while rolling her eyes. So that was mean of me, but they wasted my time, and hey, at least I paid the bill!

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