klusha111 ([info]klusha111) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-19 22:50:00

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Spammers, I dont want you to think that I am starting to read your crap, but it is hard to glance away from the first message I select when selecting multiple messages to categorize as junk in my junk email filter I am training, before I delete them. But this one I did see, and from what I saw it was so kerrrazzy I just had to read it. The more I read, the better it got. And so I have to share it with everyone as a prime example of this is your brain on drugs, unsolicited advertisement version. At least I think this is an advertisement. Someone enlighten me.From: pearson@deutschland.deDate: Sat Aug 2, 2003 12:10:38 AM US/CentralTo: ibookhooo@mac.com, ibookuser009@mac.com, ibot1@mac.com, ibowser@mac.com, ibrad@mac.com, ibrahim_bittar@mac.com, ibugz@mac.com, icallaway@mac.com, icalzone@mac.comSubject: Dimensional Warp Generator Needed awtinheufx wnmhmoHello,Im a time traveler stuck here in 2003. Upon arriving here my dimensional warp generator stopped working. I trusted a company here by the name of LLC Lasers to repair my Generation 3 52 4350A watch unit, and they fled on me. I am going to need a new DWG unit, prefereably the rechargeable AMD wrist watch model with the GRC79 induction motor, four I80200 warp stabilizers, 512GB of SRAM and the menu driven GUI with front panel XID display.I will take whatever model you have in stock, as long as its received certification for being safe on carbon based life forms.In terms of payment:I dont have any Galactic Credits left. Payment can be made in platinum gold or 2003 currency upon safe delivery of unit.Please transport unit in either a brown paper bag or box to below coordinates on Monday July 28th at (exactly 3:00pm) Eastern Standard Time on the dot. A few minutes prior will be ok, but it cannot be after. If you miss this timeframe please email me.Latitude N 42.48018 & Longitude W 071.15503 and the Elevation is 96.WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TRANSPORT ITEM BY REGULAR MEANS OF TELEPORTATION. THEY ARE MONITORING AND WILL REDIRECT THE SIGNAL!!I DO NOT CARE HOW YOU HAVE TO GET IT HERE, JUST DO IT IN A WAY THAT NO SPYING EYES WILL POSSIBLY BE ABLE TO REDIRECT THE TRANSFERENCE. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU BE ABLE TO MONITOR THE TRANSFER.Although those coordinates are a secure guarded area, these channels through email are never secure. Unfortunately it is the only form of communication I have right now.After unit has been sent please email me at: info@federalfundingprogram.comwith payment instructions. Do not reply directly back to this email.Thank YouleafiivbeNow what the hell am I supposed to bring him, and where?!

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