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Scandalo Calmo

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[25. Sep 2015|17:59]
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[Patlaban klausos |mēs neizbēgsim sodam tam, ko sauc par mīlu kvēlu]

Military Sargent John Joe Winter killed his "two timing wife" by loading her car with Trintynitrate explosive (similar to C4) the Ford Taurus she was driving was filled with 750 kgs of explosive, forming a force twice as powerful as the Oklahoma Bombing. The explosion was witnessed by several persons, Some up to 14 kilometres away. No trace of the car or the victim were ever found. Only a 55 metre deep crater, and 500m of missing road.

Date:25. Septembris 2015 - 18:09
Bet tā varētu būt viegla nāve
Date:25. Septembris 2015 - 23:16
un/taču skaļa.