kerosine82 ([info]kerosine82) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-05 15:52:00

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Ah! At last! A new layout. Boxer is so out of fashion these days, which is a bit of a shame, because I really like Boxer. But oh well. And that's right, people! Layouts DO have fashions, as do icons and every kind of graphic imaginable. Everything on the Internet goes through trends. In a year people will be like "iTunes? Pfft!". Just you wait and see. This layout was faithfully adopted from peoplemachines and comes highly recommended from me! Please pay no heed to the header. I need desperately to make a new one, and stat! I can't even remember the last time I made a header. I kinda miss making graphics, but since I'm upstairs now, and without a desk, I find it hard because the touchpad + Photoshop + me = no. Without a mouse I'm useless and frustrated. OMNG! reTREAT is creeping up very quickly! It's hard for me to contain my excitement about it! It's gonna be awesome meeting up with iloveyoursoul and cruising along the Great Ocean Road. If only we had a convertible. That'd be suhweet! But, we'll just have to settle for my little Holden Astra. So long as we have music and wheels and endless opportunities I'll be content. ;)[x]Ande.

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