Milie draugi...viens no briniskigakajiem pasniedzejiem, aiz Ojara Petersona, sava mid-term evaluation luk, ko uzrakstijis, man, parastai zemniecitei,, starp citu, saja bilde raudu prieka asaras. Man gruti jums pastastit, cik loti man daudz nozime si briniskiga makslinieka atziniba. Vins mil formu un liniju ar tadu pasu aizrautibu, ka es, un es tik loti priecajos, ka vins man ir pateicis, ka man ir daudz vairak jastrada. Vins ir loti mazrunigs ikdiena, un vins raksta, ka I AM THE SOURCE!!! ar tris izsaukuma zimem!
Lowell Detweiler was born in 1947 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He moved to New York City (from a tent in the dunes at Provincetown, Mass.) in 1971 to begin graduate work in design for theater and film at New York University. Upon graduation in 1973 he created hundreds of designs for all manner of productions: Mozart's Die Entfuhruhng aus dem Sarail which opened the new opera theater in Houston, Texas, a staged version of Red Grooms Rembrandt Takes a Walk in Minneapolis, and three seasons of NBC's Saturday Night Live. He received various awards including three Emmy nominations and an Emmy award in 1988. Detweiler retired from design in 1989 to concentrate completely on painting. He worked for Gene Moore at Tiffany and Co. for two years and in 1992 was asked to become a full-time member of the faculty of the Tisch School of the Arts, at N.Y.U. In 1996, he received the Outstanding Teacher award.
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