Kaspars ([info]kas) rakstīja,
@ 2003-05-18 00:15:00

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Martin Lawrence
Ja kaadam patiik Martin Lawrence, tad Black Knight ir filma kuru vajag redzeet.
Es miilu vinna komeedijas. ;)

Saruna no 14gadsimta:
ML: No, I mean what is your phone number. Don't worry I'll write my number down.
ML (staavot viduslaiku pils pagalmaa): Anybody got a pen?
tumshaa meitene (izbriiniiti): - Oh, you can read and write?
ML (pats par sevi saprotami un izbriiniiti): Yeah.
ML: Who you been datin'? You gotta raise the bar! :)))

As Shakespeare once said: "Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives..."

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