Kaspars ([info]kas) rakstīja,
@ 2003-05-15 00:59:00

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"I never learned anything, but I love teaching... the legacy of higher education".

"All the world loves the winner. Do you know why they love the winner? Because they think he knows something. Well he had to know something in order to win. So we admire him, but the winner does not learn anything from winning. No, the looser, the looser learns something about himself. The loosing teaches you about yourself..." Full Frontal

Liidz nezzeeliigumam garlaiciiga filma ar labiem momentiem. ... man radaas apskaidriiba ka slaveniibas kuras izliekas havojam cilveeciskas vaajiibas visbiezzaak to dara taisot savu publicitaati, t.i nevis taapeec ka vinni ir dumji, bet taapeec lai iepatiktos plashaakam skatiitaaju lokam, - lai nopelniitu vairaak naudu.

Liidziigaa sakaraa kuriozs: Es biju absoluutaa shokaa nesen pa tv redzot interviju ar rovanu atkinsonu gaidiitaa mistera biina vietaa. (vinjsh promoutoja johny english filmu). Un mani pavisam piebeidza vinna teiktais: "And we gave mister bean a mini, so that he ....". You are mister bean for crying out loud!!! ... talking about breaking out of character and finding out that santa does not exist, for the first time...! :))

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