komentaarietis on 21. Aprīlis 2019 - 22:26 laba ilustrācija "racionālās domas" bankrotam
Nemitīgi malt "there has been no evidence from either man at any point" un "Zizek talks about how too much democracy makes you unhappy because of the burden of responsibility. Any reason to believe this? No" - parāda tieši cik ļoti nerelevants ir šāda veida komentārs/viedoklis. Vai, ja vēlaties, cik ļoti nerelevanta ir "racionālā doma".
"I believe they both show how far you can get in public life without having anything of value to say, if you’re a white man with a PhD who speaks confidently and incomprehensibly."--> perfekti!
Heh, jau sākumā labi sasmējos: "The event is billed as a debate on “happiness” under both capitalism and Marxism. I cannot think of two unhappier-seeming men to have this discussion."