29 Aprīlis 2012 @ 18:28
Academic writing  
"Yet Professor Sword did find writers in every discipline who were effective in engaging their readers. Comparing the openings of two articles on evolutionary biology, she comments: "Amazingly, the authors of the first make the study of ant communities sound fascinating, while the author of the second succeeds in rendering penis size one of the most boring topics on earth.""


Upd. par Fuko. "Michel Foucault, when he was visiting at Berkeley, was asked by John Searle how he could think and argue so clearly but write so badly. He answered, without irony, that no one would take him seriously otherwise." R. Solomon. The Joy of Philosophy. - p. 263.
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thel[info]thel on 29. Aprīlis 2012 - 20:18
Kognitīvie enkuri
Varbūt tā ir. (Lai arī, vai tad par to liecina pirmais teikums? - Dense, wordy, wooden, Foucault-flaunting prose? There is another way, scholar tells).
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cits[info]garamgajejs on 29. Aprīlis 2012 - 20:31
Re: Kognitīvie enkuri
Labi uzrakstīts teksts vēl nenozīmē, ka tas būs viegli lasāms. Pirmo teikumu es saprotu kā norādi uz pārbāztiem, liekvārdīgiem, sausiem un efektam, nevis nozīmei, klasiķus piesaucošiem tekstiem.
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[info]antons_v on 29. Aprīlis 2012 - 21:03
Re: Kognitīvie enkuri
Atkarīgs no tā, kādi kritēriji tiek iekļauti jēdzienā "labi uzrakstīts teksts".
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cits[info]garamgajejs on 29. Aprīlis 2012 - 21:06
Re: Kognitīvie enkuri
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_zirgs[info]_zirgs on 30. Aprīlis 2012 - 08:23
Re: Kognitīvie enkuri
Jūsuprāt, pati autore ir savu tekstu uzrakstījusi labi?
Šķiet jau, ka engaging efekts ir panākts! :D
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