julia_pun ([info]julia_pun) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-07 01:57:00

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Ebay Whore
Yeah, I'm advertising my stuff here...but it's cute stuff so go take a look at my ebay PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! Also, I'm in the process of getting rid of a A LOT of my art supplies. I'm putting together LARGE boxes of art "junque" which would be great for collage, assemblage, etc...mostly decorative papers, interesting images, cards, metal bits and bobs, rhinestones, etc....stuff like that with some zines, paints, inks, etc...thrown in. The large box is approximately 15" x 10" priority box for $25 (that INCLUDES shipping) or I can do a small box (approx. the size of a VCR tape) for $14 (includes shipping). Just leave a message here if you're interested. Ebay Link: http://members.ebay.com/ws2/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=wisconsintreasures

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