- diētas
- 3.5.20 13:29
- high protein:
Higher total protein intake, expressed as percentage of energy, was significantly associated with a greater risk of weight gain when protein replaced carbohydrates (HR: 1.90; 95%CI: 1.05, 3.46) but not when replaced fat (HR: 1.69; 95%CI: 0.94, 3.03). However, no association was found between protein intake and waist circumference. Contrary, higher total protein intake was associated with a greater risk of all-cause death in both carbohydrate and fat substitution models (HR: 1.59; 95%CI: 1.08, 2.35; and HR: 1.66; 95%CI: 1.13, 2.43, respectively). A higher consumption of animal protein was associated with an increased risk of fatal and non-fatal outcomes when protein substituted carbohydrates or fat. "
"In conclusion, our study provides evidence that higher total protein intake is associated with higher all-cause mortality, primarily driven by a positive association between animal protein intake and CVD mortality. In contrast, higher plant protein intake is associated with lower all-cause and CVD mortality. Food source and level of protein may play a substantial role as we observed harmful associations of total and animal protein mainly in North American and European populations and beneficial associations of plant protein mainly in North American and Japanese populations. Further studies in other populations with different amounts and food sources of protein intakes or with different protein requirements are needed to improve global dietary recommendations and to define optimal ranges and sources of protein intake for different populations." - 33 rakstair doma
- Re: Not so fast
- 4.5.20 11:52
Uzsvars patiesībā ir cits - uz muskuļu masu. Lielākā problēma co-morbidity gadījumos ir muskuļu masas nepietiekamība. Dr. Lyon norāda, ka problēma ar proteīnu, kas nav iegūts no dzīvnieku pasaules ir tā "bioavailability", piemēram, neaizstājamās aminoskābes. Kā iegūt un nezaudēt muskuļu masu ir pirmais jautājums ikvienā ilgtermiņa veselības ceļa kartē.
- Atbildēt
- Re: Not so fast
- 4.5.20 11:56
nav tiesa. augu valstī visi proteīni ir bio-available. no kurienes, kā domā, tā gotiņa un vistiņa dabon pilnu profilu? taču no graudiem, sojas un zāles.
attiecībā uz muskuļu masu, nu, ko lai saka. :) you-tube pilsoni sverige pazīsti? - Atbildēt
- Re: Not so fast
- 4.5.20 12:25
Tas nav pareizi. Tas ir aplami. Visi proteīna avoti nav vienādi. Govs tieši pārstrādā to proteīnu, ko mēs citādi nevarētu iegūt. Runa ir par muskuļu olbaltumvielu sintēzes stimulēšanu, par sazarotās ķēdes aminoskābēm, īpaši leicīnu. Leicīns nav vienādi pieejams visos proteīna avotos. Piemērs:
Vienā sūkalu olbaltumvielu pulvera kausiņā ir aptuveni trīs grami leicīna. Tas ir ekvivalents 130 gramiem liellopa gaļas vai divām tasēm vārītu pupiņu.
Salīdzinājumā: Rieksti nav labs lecīna avots. Simt gramos mandeļu ir aptuveni 1,5 grami leicīna. Tādā pašā zemesriekstu daudzumā ir aptuveni 1,9 grami.
Es te nemaz nerunāšu par to, ka visi proteīna avoti nav vienādi attiecībā arī uz divvērtīgā hēma (heme) jeb asinsradošā dzelzs avotiem vai absorbācijas laiku. - Atbildēt
- Re: challenge
- 4.5.20 15:04
Nav runa par to.
"Plant-based proteins are very low in essential amino acids, and without animal or dairy-based protein, it's harder for vegetarians and vegans to get a quality supply of nutrients," says Jacob Wilson, Ph.D.,
Incomplete proteins, though, are a bit more complicated: "Most plant-based proteins are not void of all essential amino acids, just certain ones, and which ones vary from food to food," says Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., director of the Human Performance Lab at the City University of New York. "You have to combine plant proteins strategically throughout the day to provide a complete fill of all essential amino acids."
Plant-based protein sources do offer amino acids, but they aren’t complete protein foods (meaning they don’t contain all of the amino-acids). This means a good mixture and amount of grains, seeds, nuts and legumes need to be eaten daily to get all 21 amino-acids.
Foods rich in BCAAs
1% milk
Greek yogurt
Parmesan cheese
https://www.shape.com/healthy-eating/diet-tips/surprising-way-vegetarians-may-b e-ruining-their-workouts
https://www.theproteinworks.com/thelockerroom/bcaas-and-veganism-everything-you-n eed-to-know/
Vai tas ir teorētiski iespējams? Varbūt. Vai tas ir iespējams praktiski (bez uztura bagātinātājiem) ? Diez vai. - Atbildēt
- Re: Not so fast
- 4.5.20 11:59
par ilgdzīvošanu runājot, pirms pāris gadiem noblīkšķēja China study un tā zilo zonu (ilgdzīvotāju) teorija.
- Atbildēt
- Re: Not so fast
- 4.5.20 12:09
Pirmkārt jādefinē ilgdzīvotība. Ilgi dzīvot var arī pieslēdzoties pie sistēmas. Muskuļu izdilšana jeb sarkopēnija ir nopietna slimība -- ja cilvēks pats nevar piecelties un pārvietoties, tā, iespējams, ir ilgdzīvotība, bet tā nav savietojama ar patstāvīgu dzīvi. Tā ir gulēšana gultā.
https://www.arlafoodsingredients.com/the-whey-and-protein-blog/health/high-qual ity-protein-is-essential-for-healthier-m uscles/ - Atbildēt
- Re: Not so fast
- 4.5.20 12:37
šis neattiecas uz zilajām zonām, tur parasti dzīvo ilgi un pie labas veselības, lūk. :)
- Atbildēt