janc ([info]janc) rakstīja,
@ 2005-01-24 23:24:00

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December of 2001 saw the beginning of life in your way as we all know it today. The band itself started late 1999 with more of a metal sound and underwent quite a few member changes. Upon the advent of new faces, tastes, and creativities, a new portfolio of music began development. Many hours were put in to come up with original and exciting new music. If anyone is to dub this process "work", then they are missing out on the freshest element of being a band! Five friends, one basement, countless hours practicing, one love for each other and the music to be made! It is awesome, to say the least, to share life with your friends in this way. The group emerged from this time with songs that were crafted in love and dedication.

In late April and into May 2002, the recording process for the much anticipated demo / EP, all these things tie me down went underway. Which was completed and released by the summer of 2002. Then, in 2003, we signed to Indianola Records, and in July, we released our debut full length, "The Sun Rises and the Sun Sets, and Still Our Time is Endless".

"In a time when formulaic bands are a dime a dozen, and everyone is sounding like everyone else, one unique voice is all it takes to shatter all preconceived notions. Enter: Life in Your Way. Life in Your Way combine dynamic hardcore with frighteningly graceful elements of melody to produce music that uplifts the heart and challenges the mind." - our friend Steve TBK said that.

Here we are to date. We have a new recording, an ever-growing library of music, the best friends we could ever ask for, and a great desire to tour and change the world. All of this we credit and thank Jesus Christ: for talents and blessings we never once deserved. So, know that everything in this band and everything that drives us, goes back to and is because of God. We will never be perfect men, and we will never do everything right, but we are doing what we can to love and cherish people the way they were meant be treated.

Life in Your Way does not come to the show with any hidden agendas. We come to share respect and friendship with anyone and everyone. Hardcore was once based on the idea that we could all learn from each other, but we need to first admit that we don't know everything. It's clear that we all have a lot to learn in this life. Before we are a band we want to be people who are ready to listen and reason with anyone. Rock it killa.

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