seko seko seko
mjū: the big pink - a brief history of love
pff. no rīta ņirdzu, klausīdamās, kā Artūrs Mednis radio 101 stāsta par tvitera listēm; nu tur, esot visādas programmas, kuras pašas tev sataisa tās listes, tur, a la "cilvēki, kam es nesekoju, bet ko esmu retvītojis", "cilvēki, kam es sekoju un kas ir mani retvītojuši", "cilvēki, kuri man neseko, un kam es nesekoju, bet mēs tipa esam reiz čurājuši krustiņā", etc, etc. nu, un aiziet tur jau pa tādām šaibām, ka džeks pilnā nopietnībā piezīmē, ka tur tanīs listēs tikai līdz piecsimt cilvēkiem varot pievienot katrā, šņukšņuk.
tanī brīdī man jau vairs nelikās smieklīgi (vai tas maniakālais cilvēks vispār SAPROT, KA PAŠAM VIEN TĀS MILJONS LISTES BŪS KATRU DIENU JĀLASA, KO?! VAI VIŅŠ IR PAZĪSTAMS AR SAMĒRĪBAS KONCEPTU? VAI VIŅŠ IR PAZĪSTAMS AR DZĪĪĪVES KONCEPTU?) un aizgāju izslēgt to blarkšķi. pēc kādām stundām ieeju tviterī, skatos, kāds mani jaunā listē pievienojis. pareizi, tas ir Artūrs Mednis, un listes nosaukums ir "@arturs/par-ko-citi-runa-nesekoju", un paskaidrojumā: "A self-updating list of people who talk with the people I talk to, from Riga."
@arturs/folovoju-nefolovo List: I am following, they are not following, from Riga. | Following: 263 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/followers-nefolowoju List: my followers minus i am not following back, from Riga. | Following: 501 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/people-who-retweeted-me A self-updating list of people who have recently retweeted me (I already follow are excluded). | Following: 179 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/people-i-retweet A self-updating list of people I have recently retweeted, from Riga. | Following: 1 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/recent-interactions A self-updating list of people I have recently talked to (I already follow are excluded). | Following: 7 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/listed-me A list of people who have added me to one or more of their lists. | Following: 222 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/who-i-recently-followed A self-updating list of people who I recently followed, from Riga. | Following: 0 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/does-not-follow-me-back A self-updating list showing who I follow but is not following me back, from Riga. | Following: 263 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/recently-unfollowed-me A self-updating list showing who recently unfollowed me, from Riga. | Following: 5 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/recently-followed-me A self-updating list showing who recently followed me, from Riga. | Following: 4 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/people-like-me A list of people who are like me, people I already follow are excluded from list. | Following: 499 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/like-arturs-nesekoju People who are like @arturs I am not following (people I already follow exclude from list). | Following: 500 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/my-mutual-friends A self-updating list of people who are followed by the people I follow, from Riga. | Following: 500 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/par-ko-citi-runa-nesekoju A self-updating list of people who talk with the people I talk to, from Riga. | Following: 229 Followers: 0 |
@arturs/riga-i-follow A self-updating filtered list of people from Riga I follow. | Following: 500 Followers: 1 |
njā, bet ko viņš gribēja panākt ar to, ka seko man, tad atmet mani, tad atkal seko, tad atkal atmet...