Psalms ([info]iluzija) rakstīja,
@ 2004-12-30 23:36:00

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Im fucking stressed out! Absolutely crashed and losing my mind..seems to be a long time out of my life and cant get back to normal help, no useless words can help me upon my word! You may not give me a hand so useless it would be that you have no chance to get the normal...

Dont help me...let me die out here... Actually I dont wonna die `cause I now this wonderful life, that shit me out with crazyness in my mind! So that I`m happy living, no metter what on my life-road easy swinging!

Thank God, nothing`s over by this time...I hope it will never end... I kiss my dear and bug his sweet honey lip and I know he loves me having on the hip! 

I love him ...he`s my cherry-lip:)*~~

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