Skaista Dziesma ([info]idioteque) rakstīja,
@ 2004-09-15 09:39:00

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Mūzika:The Cure - Maybe Someday

Kāds sens vēstuļu draugs no Beļģijas pirms kāda gada man atsūtīja savu "Radiohead thing". Mazliet pielaboju valodu (protams, tāpat tālu no ideāla, bet nu...)!

My Thing
I have an IRON LUNG so talk with me only if you have the STREET SPIRIT. I’m not CLIMBING UP THE WALLS I'm FITTER HAPPIER, and I'm not an PARANOID ANDROID! I feel so LUCKY I live simple LIFE IN A GLASSHOUS. They call me THE TOURIST and now I'm going to see the PYRAMID (song). I MIGHT BE WORNG, but maybe I'm JUST a SUBTERRANEAN HOMESICK ALIEN and I feel that I'm PACKED LIKE SARDINE(s) IN A CRUSHED TIN BOX so LET (me) DOWN because I can ELECTIONEER(ing) you! So NO SURPRISES O.K. (c)? Not afraid you can pay me in DOLLARS AND CENTS… Ha ha, you think you can stop me?! YOU AND WHOSE ARMY? I hope the (karma) POLICE won’t arrest me! Oo I hear the MORNING BELLS - maybe I have an AMNISIA(c)? Well - don’t know.

/ © Ron /

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