Septembris 1., 2014

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(10 teica | man šķiet, ir tā...)


[User Picture]
Date:2. Septembris 2014 - 07:45
es pat nedomāju, ka tas "resp" ir par to - es rakstu sev kā bērnam nevis tāpēc, ka es šo bērnu vislabāk pazītu (patiesībā jau ne vella), bet tāpēc, ka kādam taču jāizstāsta bērnam šo stāstu, lai vairs nesāp. Toreiz to neviens pieaugušais neizdarīja, pēc tam psih* arī neizdarīja, kurš tad paliek.
[User Picture]
Date:2. Septembris 2014 - 07:57

Are you inspired by your own children or your grandchildren? I am asked this question a lot and my answer is that there is no child that inspires me more than the child I once was. It is not necessary to have your own children in order to write children's books. The only condition is that one was once a child oneself - and then try to remember what it was like.

Finally, I don't consciously set out to educate or influence the children who read my books. The only thing I dare hope for is that my books may perhaps encourage a more human, life-enhancing and democratic outlook among my readers. But books that set out to be nothing more than a reading experience must be allowed to exist. I was once handed a note by a stranger which read: "Thank you for bringing some glitter into my gloomy childhood." That's enough for me. If I have been able to bring some sunshine into a single child's life, then I am satisfied.
[User Picture]
Date:2. Septembris 2014 - 08:03
bet, protams, saprotu cepienu. diez vai tie rakstnieki saprastu manus bērnus labāk nekā es, jo pat es viņus nesaprotu. un viņi ir daudz atšķirīgāki savā starpā nekā pieaugušie, jo vēlākajā dzīvē viņi droši vien iemācīsies savas atšķirības tuvināt kaut kam.
[User Picture]
Date:2. Septembris 2014 - 13:18
vot, vot!
tas gan nav īsti cepiens, ja. es pēdējā laikā izklausos histēriska, ka cilvēki uz manām filosofiskajām pārdomām par dzīvi un būtisko reaģē kā uz "cepienu", vai arī tā vienkārši tāda frāze?
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