Septembris 2., 2014


Are you inspired by your own children or your grandchildren? I am asked this question a lot and my answer is that there is no child that inspires me more than the child I once was. It is not necessary to have your own children in order to write children's books. The only condition is that one was once a child oneself - and then try to remember what it was like.

Finally, I don't consciously set out to educate or influence the children who read my books. The only thing I dare hope for is that my books may perhaps encourage a more human, life-enhancing and democratic outlook among my readers. But books that set out to be nothing more than a reading experience must be allowed to exist. I was once handed a note by a stranger which read: "Thank you for bringing some glitter into my gloomy childhood." That's enough for me. If I have been able to bring some sunshine into a single child's life, then I am satisfied.

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