Hashz ([info]hashtreck) rakstīja,
@ 2009-12-16 11:16:00

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Almighty Tengri, master of the blue sky!
Give me the strength to carry out what I plan.
Mongols need laws that will unite them in a tight knot.
For the pillaging to stop and mothers to want to bear children.
The mongol punishment will be one - DEATH!
To the one to raise a sword on children or women - DEATH!
To the one who refuses a traveler food and shelter - DEATH!
To the one who buys stolen goods - DEATH!
To the one who kills a messenger - DEATH!
To the one who throws down his weapon during a fight - DEATH!
Death to him and ten of his comrades.
Should ten run away, death to one hundred!
Should a thousand run away, death to all Mongols!

/Temujin (Mongol, 2007)

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