Hashz ([info]hashtreck) rakstīja,
@ 2008-12-19 12:19:00

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«As a child, then, I had almost fallen into the well. When grown up, I nearly fell into the word "eternity," and into quite number of other words too - "love", "hope", "country", "God." As each word was conquered and left behind, I had the feeling that I had escaped a danger and made some progress. But no, I was only changing words and calling it deliverance. And there I had been, for the last two years, hanging over the edge of the word "Buddha".

But I now feel sure - Zorba be praised - that Buddha will be the last well of all, the lastword-precipice, and then I shall be delivered for ever. For ever? That is what we say each time.»

(c) Nikos Kazantzakis - Zorba the Greek

«Zorba the Greek never became a Buddha for the simple reason that his Zorbahood is incomplete. He is a beautiful man, full of zest, but a poor man. He wants to live life in its intensity, but he has no opportunity to live it. He dances, he sings, but he does not know the higher nuances of music. He does not know the dance where the dancer disappears.»

(c) Osho - From Bondage To Freedom

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