Hashz ([info]hashtreck) rakstīja,
@ 2008-08-04 01:29:00

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Nupat dikti aizķēra Toma Stoddarta fotogrāfija.

He wrote, on his return from the famine in southern Sudan, the following: "The first skeleton drifts into sight. The feeding centre reminds me of the terrible scenes in Belsen or Auschwitz. Everywhere emaciated, weak, silent children painfully move around looking for food. Mothers squat under hordes of flies with tiny motionless bundles, waiting for the gravediggers to collect. The stink of death is everywhere as nurses hurry here and there, trying to comfort and feed the weakest people lying in the shit and vomit on the ground. This place is truly a mixture of heroism and evil. I watch as a woman gives birth to a baby boy while a skeletal man dies next to her."

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