Hey, folks
I had an amazing time with Rancho, met new music and new people. I'm really thankful to all of you that made this site better and better. But the fact is that i can't go on with Rancho. A blog needs periodicity. February just begun and i know i won't be posting almost nothing this month. I'll stay another week travelling, i have a lot of work to do and i won't have time to listen carefully to albums, to see if they fit on Rancho's idea, if there's not imperfect tracks and stuff. And March is not much more promising, as well as April and so on. And i don't wanna make a poor blog, but that's exactly what's happening with Rancho. I prefer to be honest with you than keeping a site this way.
The domain will be closed soon, and i'll keep the blog on for a week if there's something you still want to download.
I suggest we all can go to - I know a forum for Spanish speakers can't be that friendly to americans, but it's not hard to learn the few words needed. Even i, a Portuguese speaker, prefer English sites - or to another Country Music forum (suggestions?). I'll be on Elbanjo sometimes, posting old and new stuff, but without the responsability that comes with a personal site. I also recommend Soulseek. With all this shit happening with Megaupload and similars, Soulseek is getting even better than before.
My email is Feel free to keep contact.
Once again, thanks!