gorecki_ ([info]gorecki_) rakstīja,
@ 2005-06-20 15:01:00

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""The Kafka Effect""
by D. Harlan Wilson

Published by Eraserhead Press (2001)

The Kafka Effekt is D. Harlan Wilson’s debut book, a collection of forty-four short stories loosely written in the vein of Franz Kafka, with more than a pinch of William S. Burroughs sprinkled on top. A manic depressive has a baby’s bottom grafted onto his face; a hermaphrodite impregnates itself and gives birth to twins; a gaggle of professors find themselves trapped in a port-a-john and struggle to liberate their minds from the prison of reason—these are just a few of the precarious situations that the characters herein are forced to confront. The Kafka Effekt is a postmodern scream. Absurd, intelligent, funny and scatological, Wilson turns reality inside out and exposes it as a grotesque, nightmarish machine that is always-already processing the human subject, who struggles to break free from the machine, but who at the same time revels in its subjugation.

kafkas magjija

gramatniica ir miers + pilniigs haoss
taas emicijas, ko sniedz gramatas ir reizee tik nomierinoshas ]bet
kad saproti, ka ne visu ko gribi var nopirkt
un izlasiit ar ne
tad saakas
piemeeram taa graamata par stancilied & graffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiii
fantastiska, ne? ;)

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