Garastāvoklis: | enthralled |
Mūzika: | ALPHAVILLE - A Victory Of Love |
Shodienas burviiba. Triis lietas, kas pieshkjir dienai pareizaas kraasas. Saulleekts. Shokolaade. Katedraales zvanu skanjas.
Jaatrod laiks iepirkshanaas un sevis lutinaashanas tuurei. Arii tas vienmeer paliidz sajusties krietni labaak.
Hello, is this heaven calling
Hello, hello
Is somebody there, she must be somewhere
And then she says hello, hello, hello
She's really an angel
She stands in the sunshine
She's closing her eyes, she starting to dream,
She's pulling the strings
She's dreaming a strange dream
Where nothing is grey
Then she takes me away and she's pulling the strings
When she's playing with love
She's playing with love...