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Maijs 11., 2022

10:09 - : recycling
lasot atkritumu apsaimniekošanas likumu, mani uzmeklēja recycling latviskais ekvivalents (vismaz šī likuma autoru izpratnē) - reģenerācija.

reģenerācija - lietderīga atkritumu izmantošana.

(10 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Aprīlis 8., 2018

nemaz nezināju, ka internetos ir izdomāti tādi pro-ana un pro-mia jēdzieni.

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Janvāris 16., 2018

08:43 - : the cool hunter lasot
jā, starp citu, man arī ir apnicis dzirdēt vārdu 'koncepts', jo īpaši tirdzniecības nozarē. vēl viens garlaicīgs koncepta veikals, un there will be blood.

We are all getting tired of clinically sterile, copycat concept stores that seem lifeless and completely void of adventure, story or history.
And the sameness seems to be getting worse.

(6 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Februāris 21., 2017

09:33 - : words (boyzone)
"kalsarikannit" - drinking home alone in your underwear, with no intention of going out.

kalsarikannit, kalsarikannit, kalsarikannit.
nezinu gan, vai šis vārds iesēdīsies.

(2 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Janvāris 8., 2014


(cup of coffee?)

Jūnijs 19., 2013

vārdu "seksīgs" un visus tā locījumus vajadzētu aizliegt ar likumu.
nopietni - cilvēki vēl tā runā?

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Februāris 23., 2013


oh, 9gag, you shouldn't have!

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Februāris 11., 2013

09:31 - : layogenic - mans jaunākais mīļākais vārds
rhwe (tsonga, south africa) - to sleep on the floor without a mat, while drunk and naked.

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Janvāris 31., 2013

nekādīgi nenāca prātā, kā "broes before hoes" būtu meitenēm. "sisters before misters", kā izrādās.

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Janvāris 28., 2013

10:01 - : human nature
ja kāds man jautātu, kā pavadīju brīvdienas, un es nebūtu noslīcinājusi merkura (etiķete baisa un uzbur vīzijas ar drūmākajiem samagona nostāstiem) pudelē savu balsi, tad atbildētu, ka diving into the murkier side of the relationship, and retrieving a fist full of mud was what i was doing.

un amizantākais (i'm amused. and fascinated!) ir tas, ka mani tas uzjautrina vairākos līmeņos uzreiz (if that makes any sense). tu zini, ka melo man un kaut ko noklusē. es zinu, ka tu melo man un kaut ko noklusē. tas, ko es nezinu, ir, - kāpēc tu man melo un ko tu noklusē.

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Oktobris 29., 2012

15:46 - : word of the day
diatribe - a bitter and abusive speech or piece of writing.

(cup of coffee?)

Oktobris 25., 2012

11:50 - : es nezināju
"meme" incidentally is often mispronounced as "me-me" or "meh-meh", but in fact should be pronounced "meem".

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Oktobris 9., 2012

un kad jūtos pazaudējusies, - buros cauri visām planētām. šodien par mēnesi, jo tas man ir lauvā, un tur tāda frāze: sapņus ne velti sauc par sapņiem - galu galā "they rarely come true".

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Augusts 23., 2012

single women are sometimes called "bachelorettes", especially in festive contexts in american english; but the historic term is "spinster". a spinster is any woman above the age of majority who has never been married. she is not necessarily an elderly woman. "catherinette" was a traditional french label for girls of 25 years old who were still unmarried by the feast of saint catherine.

tātad, latviešu valodā būtu "katrinete"? why not!

(2 with milk | cup of coffee?)

Augusts 3., 2012

indivisual - mans jaunākais mīļākais vārds!

(cup of coffee?)

Marts 1., 2012

15:59 - : why black is addictive
lasu par melnās krāsas pievilcību cilvēku acīs, un tur - teikums - "with good and evil, with god and the devil". un saprotu, ka nemaz nebiju pievērsusi uzmanību šai... vot, kā nu to tagad nosaukt, - lingvistikas īpatnībai?

(cup of coffee?)

Februāris 20., 2012

ložņāju pa arhīviem, un pašā pirmajā numurā, tālajā 2007. gada rudenī, kādam ienākusi prātā doma iedrukāt internetos "hedonism with its head on".

(cup of coffee?)

Februāris 17., 2012

15:43 - : micromort
a one-in-a-million chance of dying is called a micromort: taking one tab of ecstasy involves one micromort of risk, the same as a six-minute canoe trip or smoking one and a half cigarettes. mark your midlife crisis by buying a farm in cornwall and you are 10,000 times more likely to die than if you ditch the wife and buy a sports car.

un kā lai "micromort" pasaka latviski (un līdzvērtīgi skaisti)?

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Februāris 13., 2012

11:14 - : flâneur: one who wanders the streets with purpose, but without a map
most city-dwellers aren’t flâneurs, however. in 1952 a french sociologist asked a student to keep a journal of her daily movements. when he mapped her paths onto a map of paris he saw the emergence of a triangle, with vertices at her apartment, her university and the home of her piano teacher. her movements, he said, illustrated "the narrowness of the real paris in which each individual lives".

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Februāris 6., 2012

friendless, adj.: having no favors to bestow. destitute of fortune. addicted to utterance of truth and common sense.

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Janvāris 8., 2012

19:33 - : rebel without a cause
- has he ever been to a shrink?
- you mean a headshrinker?

(cup of coffee?)

Novembris 22., 2011

online etymology dictionary.

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ubi bene ibi patria:

- where i am at ease, there is (my) country
- where good, there fatherland

lūk, tā bija pareizi.

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Septembris 27., 2011

un cauchemar — a nightmare.*

*sacīts par toma forda jaunāko skati

(cup of coffee?)

Augusts 31., 2011

13:09 - : mazie dzīves prieciņi
agrāk taču bija "snickers" reklāma krievu valodā, kur beigās teica "sņikersņi!"
un tagad man pienāk meilā word of the day - "snickersnee", kas nozīmē "the act of fighting with knives".

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Jūlijs 1., 2011

"Relationship. Let's look closely at that word. Relating one thing to another doesn't necessarily involve emotion. It's the art of comparison, differentiation, of making balanced and symmetrical patterns. Relationship is an integral part of dance, of geometry, of mathematics, or warfare. Relationship can mean a delicate and masterly sense of which colour blends with which. Or whether the lines of a Porsche 928 are superior in style to those of a Ferrari."

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Decembris 27., 2010

o, gribēju atrast kaut ko par etiķeti, bet uzgāju a lexical comparison of sanskrit and latvian. sweet!

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Septembris 5., 2010

information - inner formation, huh?

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Jūlijs 26., 2010

08:54 - : urban word of the day
eau d'ouche:
the obnoxious, headache-inducing cologne cloud that surrounds a beefy, tight-armani-shirt wearing dude.

kas man atgādina vienu itāli (ar ko iepazinos frančos un citā vakarā nejauši uzskrēju virsū pie ļeņingradas).viņa tendence vilkt kreklus, kas ir vismaz izmērus divus par mazu, ir vienkārši apbrīnojama. skatos uz vēderā iespiedušamies pogām un domāju, vai viņam pietiek skābekļa.

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Jūlijs 16., 2010

recidīvists - tas arī tāds diezgan ģeniāls vārds.

(cup of coffee?)

Jūlijs 8., 2010

09:29 - : wotd
halfwit ir ģeniāls vārds.

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Aprīlis 6., 2010

13:33 - : hokus pokus abrakadabra
abracadabra is aramaic for: you will create what I speak.

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Janvāris 21., 2010

"The Sanskrit word for 'action' is 'karma', derived from the root 'kri' which means 'to do'. One does action and gets remunerated for it, in turn transferring this remuneration to others for work done by them. Thus, fruit has arisen out of action, and action out of fruit. From time immemorial, life has been conducted in this manner. This is called the wheel of karma. To act with the motive of gaining fruits is to invite bondage. Relinquishing the fruits frees us from all miseries." Swami Rama

(cup of coffee?)

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