| (Ap)jucis. Exiled from reality. (exiled) rakstīja, @ 2012-04-20 04:13:00 |
sarunas iekš gayromeo :D
1. Ga-briel 20. Apr. 2012 - 01:56
2. *es* 20. Apr. 2012 - 01:57
Hola ;) Are you going out tonight in Yumbo?
3. Ga-briel 20. Apr. 2012 - 01:58
Nooo!! I'm so tired. ;( and u?
4. *es* 20. Apr. 2012 - 02:01
I dont know if Im going out... :/ too bad, I think you would meet some nice guys in Yumbo ;)
5. Ga-briel 20. Apr. 2012 - 02:03
No! I'm tired so just chatting and listen music ;-)
6. *es* 20. Apr. 2012 - 02:04
me toooo :D hahah
7. Ga-briel 20. Apr. 2012 - 02:07
I could suck your hard cock now but I'm tired ;-) lol
8. *es* 20. Apr. 2012 - 02:09
wooow... :x I dunno what should I say now :D
9. Ga-briel 20. Apr. 2012 - 02:11
;-) hehe
pēc nosūtītās 6ās vēstules es galīgi negaidīju tādu pavērsienu... viss ko es gribēju, bija palīdzēt vienam draugam iepazīties priekš šīs nakts :D
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