esiiba ([info]esiiba) rakstīja,
@ 2024-09-18 08:51:00

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There rides the Rainbow Demon
On his horse of crimson fire
Black shadows are following closely
On the heels of his desire

Riding on in the mist of morning
No one dared to stand in his way
Possessed by some distant calling
Riding on through night and day

Rainbow Demon - pick up your heart and run
Rainbow Demon - lives for his sword and his gun

Riding on in the mist of morning
No one dared to stand in his way
Possessed by some distant calling
Riding on through night and day

Rainbow Demon - pick up your heart and run
Rainbow Demon - lives for his sword and his gun

Rainbow Demon - pick up your heart and run
Rainbow Demon - lives for his sword and his gun (repeat chorus to fade)

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