esiiba ([info]esiiba) rakstīja,
@ 2024-08-22 22:27:00

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Someone take these dreams away
That point me to another day
A duel of personalities
That stretch all true realities

They keep calling me
They keep calling me
Keep on calling me
They keep calling me

Where figures from the past stand tall
And mocking voices ring of blood
Imperialistic house of prayer
Conquistadors who took their share
They keep calling me
Keep on calling me
They keep calling me
Keep on calling me

Calling me
Calling me
Calling me
Calling me

They keep calling me
Keep on calling me
They keep calling me
Keep on calling me
They keep calling me
Keep on calling me
They keep calling me
Keep on calling me
They keep calling me
Keep on calling me

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2024-08-22 23:04 (saite)
editor, how the fuuuk I answer the call?

(Atbildēt uz šo)

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