erzhan1996 ([info]erzhan1996) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-29 21:38:00

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mishmash: paper, sleep deprivation, a photo of me, bulging veins
Welcome to ailish, bkworm9, icantdenyit, miss_ee, my_diet_log, slimtastic, rafaela (fellow morally-corrupt tree hugger), and anyone I missed. I've been meeting so many interesting people lately!I did finish the paper in time. As it turns out, I missed the bus by less than a minute, and I was forced to run (yes, run) a half mile on concrete in the blazing heat with a long-sleeve shirt to the next closest stop. (I've learned in the past that if I miss my bus, I can still be on time if I run to the other route's stop . . . sometimes.) Anyway, the paper was not up to my standards, but it should be worth a B+ at least. Wishful thinking?Believe it or not, I did end up going to class. In seven years at the university, with many sleep-deprived nights behind me (several times awake for 3 days straight), I have never once fallen asleep in class. Yesterday was about the closest I've ever come. I think my body is trying to tell me I'm not a teenager anymore. I was having a hard time following lecture, and even when I kept repeating mentally "eyes wide open; look like you're interested," I just couldn't keep up the bright-eyed bushy-tailed look. You know, with the way this class is taught, it's one of the most boring I've ever taken. It sounded so interesting at first. I have a hard time looking alert when I'm not sleep-deprived. So as much as it pained me to do so, I had to leave at the 90-minute break even though Sylvia Plath was coming up next. I may have just missed the only interesting lecture of the course.I never did take a nap. I told myself I'd go to bed around 6 p.m. That turned into 8. By the time I was asleep, it was nearly midnight, making it 41 straight hours awake. I always overestimate the amount of time it takes to pack (and I started cleaning like a banshee - what is wrong with me?). But what else could I have done? I was busy all day Wednesday with my workout, the WW meeting, and the paper. I would have had to pack two days in advance, and I can't do that. If I ever thought ahead two days, the world would come to an end.Anyway, I got eight hours of sleep last night, which wasn't enough. DH was like a bull in a china shop in the kitchen. We can't close doors around here or Nikita will scratch and howl. It doesn't matter what's behind the door, and once the door is open, she won't care to go inside the room, but she just can't stand the suspense. I know I promised my Cathe/FIRM check-in at the YaYas that I'd do Circuit Max this morning, but I just couldn't. I don't feel too badly about it because I know I'll get a lot of walking done at the expo today.Want to see a really bad picture of me from Monday? I'm afraid I'm not photogenic. I don't think I'm hideous looking, but I always look stupid in photos.Something odd happened yesterday. The veins on my hands were bulging out. I mean really bulging out of my skin both on the backs of my hands and the ones on my wrists. It was incredibly creepy, and I've never seen anything like it. DH thinks it was from typed so many hours with my wrists bent at an odd position (I couldn't put my laptop on my lap because of the major DOMS in my quads). I had to put Icy Hot on them, and they still didn't look normal until this morning.Barbara will be coming to pick me up in 35 minutes. I guess I ought to shower and dress, eh? I'll be without internet for a few days (*gasp*), but I'll be back late Sunday. I'm taking two books with me - one is The Eyre Affair.

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