erzhan1996 ([info]erzhan1996) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-27 15:32:00

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Weekend Stuff
It was a quiet weekend at home. Friday night, we watched Phone Booth on DVD (from Netflix). I didn't like it as much as everyone told me I would, but not a bad rental by any means.Saturday, I spent much of the day reading. I still haven't finished GWaPE, but I read Janet Evanovich's Hard Eight in anticipation of book nine being released very soon. I also read Hamlet, which I haven't read in a couple years. So why I read two books cover-to-cover in a single day when I still haven't finished a few others is just beyond me. I get so easily sidetracked.After I finished Hamlet, we watched Laurence Olivier's Hamlet. I noticed that he juxtaposed certain scenes that in the play are separated by an intervening scene, then you'll see the intervening scene later. DH thinks this is so movie watchers can follow it better.I also managed to get in a serious workout (one of only two for the week) Saturday evening. I continued with the FIRM Classics theme, moving on to Volume 2.Yesterday, I can't remember what we did other than run errands. The whole day just flew by before I knew it. OK, I remember now. After errands, we took a nice afternoon stroll to the movie theatre to see Pirates of the Caribbean, which was quite entertaining, but then again, I have a thing for Johnny Depp. It's unfair that a man could be that beautiful.That was pretty much it for the whole weekend. Shall I admit that I forgot I had a paper to write? And here I am, sitting here with my laptop on Monday afternoon, and I still don't have a single word written. I figure I can take notes later today, and I can do the actual writing on Wednesday. Unless I have a lunch date with friends, I always have MWF free. I never have to leave home. I have French and Latin self-study scheduled then, but I can put it off to another day. I really am a horrible procrastinator.I've been going all day today. I really have hardly spent any time on the computer. I started my workout around 9 or 9:30, and it took me just over an hour. I did Cathe Friedrich's Maximum Intensity Cardio, which is brutal and 72 minutes long (half is high-impact hi/lo, half is power step). I made sure to set up my shock-absorption mats again. After that workout, I didn't feel one bit guilty about the gorgonzola crumbled on my salad (nor the candied walnuts). Ronnee has been doing WW for awhile and has become skilled at eyeballing things for points. She says probably 10 points for my lunch, but I might want to round up to 11. I was so proud of myself that (for once) I planned my workout early enough so that I'd have plenty of time to clean up and take a leisurely walk over to CPK. Little did I know that my wallet picked that time to disappear! I spent 20 minutes looking for the dumb thing, and I found it just as I was about to give up and bring a couple power bars with me. I loved seeing Barbara, Sharon, and Kathy again, and meeting Ronnee for the first time. Kathy was unusually quiet. I wonder if she wasn't having a good time. She and I are both a bunch of chatterboxes every time she comes over. We talked about fitness videos, universities (1 prof and 2 students among us 5), and the upcoming convention. I'll be seeing Barbara and Sharon again in just four days. It seems so soon, and to think my paper has to be submitted in three. *sigh* My time management skills could use some sharpening.Anyway, it was blazing hot in the early afternoon, and I really didn't want to walk home, so when Ronnee offered me a ride, I took her up on the offer. We stopped over at Whole Foods Market, and we shopped and talked. Blueberries were on sale 2 pints for $5! I picked up 4 pints (and I may be back later in the week to pick some up for the convention). I couldn't believe those prices. Just the other day, a quarter pint cost nearly $4 at Ralph's. Blueberries just might be my favorite fruit, but the prices on fresh ones are usually through the roof. Ronnee (who is also on WW) told me about Puffins cereal. It's almost too good to be true that it's only 1 point for c., but they're absolutely delicious. Mine are cinnamon-flavored, but they also come in honey and peanut butter. I'm going to measure some out into plastic bags and take it with me to the convention.

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