erikosha ([info]erikosha) rakstīja,
@ 2008-03-05 01:42:00

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Garastāvoklis: sad
Mūzika:staind - outside

i'm stupid . . . .???
It seems that she finally made me mad . . . .
a stupid week with a stupid beginning of my end . ..
i loved her with a little (big) hope of answer for my feelings , i just wanted to hear those three magical words "i luv u so much", i need that i said her that and not only once . . . .

she just replied . : you know already . . .

fuck that i'm not an thirty years old virgin i need that i was crazy bout her and she just fucked my feelings. . . . .

need help. . . .
need good understanding people . . .
need . . . . . . . . .

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