my inside is outside my right side is on the left side..
Laikam pirmoreiz ir pa iistam kad its good to know that you are home for christmas its good to know that you are doing well jo nekad agraak neesmu maaceejusi veeleet otram labu tad ja vinjs mani nemiil pretii un soreiz es speeju buut iemiileejusies arii kad vinjs kaartiigi mani ignoree jo zinu ka tas lai man pasjai vieglaak un man pat nesaap redzeet kaa vinjs ir iemiileejies citaa jo es esmu vinju glorificeejusi un nekas vinju manaas aciis nepadariis par nemiilamu pat ja vinjsj spiidzinaatu kakjeenus vai pazemotu mani un es juutos tik liriski gandriiz it kaa mani rakstiitu hamsuns “Eva, it can be a delight at times to be dragged by the hair. So strangely can the mind of a man be warped. He can be dragged by the hair over hill and dale, and if asked what is happening, can answer in ecstasy: ‘I am being dragged by the hair!’ And if anyone asks: ‘But shall I not help you, release you?’ he answers: ‘No.’ And if they ask: ‘But how can you endure it?’ he answers: ‘I can endure it, for I love the hand that drags me.’ Eva, do you know what it is to hope?”