emils ([info]emils) rakstīja,
@ 2003-04-27 11:21:00

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Talantu Fabrika
Ehhh, this is sad!
Sad replica of Fame Factory!
Just have been watching the original Fame Factory on bbc prime! It was an amazing xperience! Friday's concerts were live and it gives the edge, everything was supreme! Voters at the final reached 6 mil! The people that were chosen to participate - very talanted and completely different.
The winner is a famous all over the UK, and boy can he sing, btw looks also cute! (not that I care that much!) David Sneddon this is his fan site, but the single is out there!
There also was Fame Factory in Sweden that ended recently! Haven't listened to that one, but it was also amazingly popular!
Both Fame Factories did touring throughout different cities in England and Sweden participating in large events atracting huge crowds!

This is sad replica! Very sad! Poor young people who went there to actually receive something. They probably will receive something, but I'm not sure that it will be what they have expected!

I gad a distant feeling that this TF reminds me of something, the friday concert I mean, and then it hit me - it's sounds like karaoke!

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