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pēdējais interesants, redzēs, vai amīšiem iekšās stāvēt cīši arī kad fiziskas briesmas draud. citādāk jau nekā; runājot šekspīra vārdiem "ārkārtēja slimība ar ārkārtējiem līdzekļiem jāārstē"
From "Wall Street" by Steve Fraser: "In the immediate aftermath (of the great railroad strikes of 1877), Morgan's father sent a contribution to build up the Seventh Regiment Armory to help put down any future uprising... In 1886, during his face-off against the Knights of Labour when labour militants shut down his western rail roads, Jay Gould boasted he could hire one half of the working class to kill the other half... People like Rhode Island Senator Nelson Aldrich, Rockefeller's factotum in the upper chamber, made no attempt to conceal his loathing of the mob: a bestial horde, a swarm motivated solely by a sense of grievance and animal passion."
Interesting how these old names keep cropping up: Harriman was a Wall Street broker who had plans to run a rail system through Mexico and Central America - he was later assimilated into the Morgan-Rothschild banking network that effectively took control of America a few decades later. | |