木 ([info]dombrava) wrote on January 3rd, 2018 at 04:34 pm
Kārtējais spams par apģērbu

Protams, to jau nevar zināt, ka es kleitas nevalkāju. Turklāt kā dāvana arī neder. Varbūt modes viktorīnas gatavošanas dēļ man internets grib piespēlēt nedaudz oriģinālu masu produkcijas apģērbu? 

I love the idea of this dress and was so excited for it to come in. Upon opening it and looking closely at the chemical structures on the fabric though I quickly realized some of them are drawn incorrectly. It's very disappointing that the designer of the fabric couldn't confirm the structures are correct before printing it. I'll feel foolish wearing it so it is being returned


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