木 ([info]dombrava) wrote on April 1st, 2019 at 12:01 am
Par ro, cik ētiski izmantot tuvākos cilvēkus kā iedvesmu mākslas darba radīšanai
What would it sound like if you were the songwriter 
And you made your living off of me?

"In this song, Father John Misty speaks to his wife Emma Tillman about a hypothetical scenario where she is the musician and he is the muse. He uses this viewpoint in a reflective manner, asking her if she would be truthful to the source material or would she exaggerate the unfavorable details of her life with Josh to make them more palatable to the masses.

Father John Misty uses this device to express guilt about using his muse and life partner to fuel his most prolific work by “undressing [her] repeatedly in public” to the masses. He feels that by discussing their personal relationships, he does not respect her privacy and does her a disservice in writing songs about her.

Using this narrative, Misty demonstrates that a songwriter’s life isn’t what is usually displayed; a lot of personal drama and negative feelings can create the basis of a song, but one should be wary of taking it at face value. After all, very few people would like to see how the sausage is made."
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