Jacob's Ladder scenārijs (1980, Bruce Joel Rubin)
Nov. 10th, 2009 | 03:15
Skan: Ajdath - Wraith Of Babel
Laikam esmu sev atradis saistošas lasāmvielas avotu – favorītfilmu scenāriji. Šoreiz runa būs par Jacob’s Ladder scenāriju, kas tapis 1980. gadā un cīnījies ar Holivudas stereotipisko filmradīšanas mašinēriju desmit gadu ilgumā, lai 1990. gadā, parādot Holivudai, ka tai tomēr būs taisīt „spoku” filmas, ieraudzītu savu materializāciju. Šis scenārijs arīdzan parāda mehānismu kā top filmas – visa vīzija ir scenārista darbs, bet režisoram atliek vien šo visu materializēt.
Scenārijā ir vairākas tīkami izspēlētas šausmu ainas, kuras filmā ir tikušas apstrādātas, mainītas vai arī neiekļautas, piemēram:
JACOB swallows hard as he stands there, holding the letter. Suddenly his eyes lift off the page and glance at a full length mirror mounted on the bedroom door. Something in the mirror, like the image of a child, seems to move. He looks over. There is nothing there. Curious, JACOB walks toward the mirror. As his image appears, he gasps and stops moving. To his horror and ours, it is his own back that is reflected in the mirror. The impossibility of the moment startles him. He lifts his hand. The reflection moves with him. Frightenedbut defiant, JACOB moves toward the mirror. The image in the mirror spins around. It is the FRIGHTENING VIBRATING FACE he saw at the party with JEZZIE. An unearthly scream comes from both their mouths. ( According to this, you're already dead )
Scenārijā ir vairākas tīkami izspēlētas šausmu ainas, kuras filmā ir tikušas apstrādātas, mainītas vai arī neiekļautas, piemēram:
JACOB swallows hard as he stands there, holding the letter. Suddenly his eyes lift off the page and glance at a full length mirror mounted on the bedroom door. Something in the mirror, like the image of a child, seems to move. He looks over. There is nothing there. Curious, JACOB walks toward the mirror. As his image appears, he gasps and stops moving. To his horror and ours, it is his own back that is reflected in the mirror. The impossibility of the moment startles him. He lifts his hand. The reflection moves with him. Frightenedbut defiant, JACOB moves toward the mirror. The image in the mirror spins around. It is the FRIGHTENING VIBRATING FACE he saw at the party with JEZZIE. An unearthly scream comes from both their mouths. ( According to this, you're already dead )