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(bez virsraksta) @ 00:43

[info]blondulla commented on [info]dienasgramata's post:

Normāls argentīnietis:)
Šis fakts gan bij interesants:
Federico Andahazi's first novel, The Anatomist, became a cause celebre when it won Argentina's foremost literary award, the Fortabat prize. When the sponsor, Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat realised what the subject matter of the book was - the 'discovery' of the clitoris in 16th century Venice - she denounced Andahazi as a 'communist porn artist' and attempted to withhold the award. Immediately, many leading authors and critics denounced this attempt at censorship and defended the book as an innovative, remarkable work of fiction.
The Anatomist went on to become a critical and commercial success worldwide.

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