Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

17. Septembris 2015

(bez virsraksta) @ 01:25

Brīžīem ļoti sajūsmina mana mobiā telefona mūzikas pleijera random režīms. Šodien, braucot ar riteni no "Uguns un nakts" izrādes, austiņās secīgi skanēja:

Saul Williams "The Ritual":

Bitch nigga, gun trigger
Dick's bigger, why fuck?
Killer, blood spiller
Bitch, steal a Mac truck
Bad luck, fuckin' with this black buck
Bigger Thomas, I promise
Leave a corpse in the furnace,

tad - Ingus Baušķenieka "Kirbis Irbis":

Dzīvoja reiz meitenīte
maziņa kā kreimenīte
uzgāja tā mežmalā
milzum lielu ķirbi irbi
ķirbis irbis mežmalā
mušmirītes ežmalā...

tad - Iron & Wine "Cinder and smoke":

Give me your hand
The dog in the garden row is covered in mud
And dragging your mother's clothes
Cinder and smoke
The snake in the basement
Found the juniper shade
The farmhouse is burning down

un tad piepeši Deine Lakaien "Over and done":

Your hand in my hand and my hand in your hand
Your hand in my hand, closeness of the past
My hand in your hand, your hand in my hand
Jerking back and nothing will last

noslēgumā aizgāja Shantel ar kaut kādu Balkānu disko


Date: 17. Septembris 2015 - 09:31
Ko esi ielicis, tas arī ir :)

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata