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@ 2013-06-10 20:17:00

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Areaware Alarm Dlock by Jonas Damon

leibal alarmdock damon 1 650x650 Areaware Alarm Dlock by Jonas Damon

leibal alarmdock damon 2 650x464 Areaware Alarm Dlock by Jonas Damon

Areaware Alarm Dock in Beech wood captures the best of both nostalgic design and modern minimalism. If you are like me, the glowing screen from your iPhone is the last image you drift off to before hitting the pillow and the first face that greets you in the AM. With a built-in docking station, cords are a thing of the past, and the sleek facade of the clock reveals itself once you install the app and pop in your phone.

See more minimalist designs at Leibal

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