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@ 2013-06-10 20:06:00

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Casa VU by TDC

leibal casavu tdc 10 650x432 Casa VU by TDC

leibal casavu tdc 7 650x432 Casa VU by TDC

leibal casavu tdc 101 650x432 Casa VU by TDC

Casa VU is a minimalist house located in Lima, Peru, designed by TDC. The project is set on a cliff with a steep slope and a privileged view to an isle on the sea. Every room tends to open up to this natural surrounding through overlapped volumetries which generate shadows and open spaces such as the terrace which ends up becoming a contemplation space. At this house, architecture and structure merged in order to create two white volumes (un-gravitational) set over two earthly volumes (massive).

See more minimalist designs at Leibal

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