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@ 2013-06-10 19:47:00

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TAOA Studio by Tao Lei Architecture Studio

leibal taoa taolei 4 650x445 TAOA Studio by Tao Lei Architecture Studio

leibal taoa taolei 5 650x448 TAOA Studio by Tao Lei Architecture Studio

leibal taoa taolei 6 650x468 TAOA Studio by Tao Lei Architecture Studio

TAOA Studio is a minimalist interior located in Beijing, China, designed by Tao Lei Architecture Studio. An abandoned warehouse was originally located on the site prior to this construction. In an effort to reduce costs, the building kept a lot of the original structure. The interior is very spacious, with open partitions separating the spaces within. Wood is juxtaposed against the concrete surface in order to add natural accents to the industrialized space.

See more minimalist designs at Leibal

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