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@ 2013-06-10 11:58:00

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macbook decals – an awesome gift to geeky friend

if you are like me and the buying gifts is like a headache to you  - here is a great solution and idea what to buy for a geeky friends! Macbook vinyl decal! :) those are easy to apply and also easy to remove…there are thousands of different designs – heroes, favourite movie characters, cartoon characters, girly stuff, quotes and so and so…

My favourite shop where i think i am already the loyal customer is one of etsy online shops – great quality ( handmade product not like some cheap crap from China), awesome customer service and very cool designs! Recommend!!!! 5gbhG29vY7Zlq2MpjHGkeu8 650x487 macbook decals   an awesome gift to geeky friend

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