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@ 2013-06-10 05:47:00

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25 Best Award Winning 3D Animated Short Films for your Inspiration

f920 650x393 25 Best Award Winning 3D Animated Short Films for your Inspiration
Blik: A boy, new to the neighborhood, falls for the older girl next door is this wonderfully expressive dutch student animation. A supremely lovely student animation, i posted this to the ol’ twitter and facebook yesterday, but it needs to be on the site too. We’re familiar with films sans dialogue, but blik‘s characters are without faces too! Even then, this story of a boy, new to the neighborhood and who falls for the older girl next door, manages to be one of the most wonderfully expressive short.
f921 25 Best Award Winning 3D Animated Short Films for your Inspiration

f922 25 Best Award Winning 3D Animated Short Films for your Inspiration
See full post here

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