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@ 2013-06-09 05:22:00

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Viewing Pavilion on Hill by TAO

leibal viewingpavilion tao  650x438 Viewing Pavilion on Hill by TAO

leibal viewingpavilion tao 8 650x679 Viewing Pavilion on Hill by TAO

leibal viewingpavilion tao 10 650x555 Viewing Pavilion on Hill by TAO

Viewing Pavilion on Hill is a minimalist structure located in Shandong, China, designed by TAO. The pavilion is located in woods on the hill of TashanPark in Weihai, a coastline city in Shandong. To protect the trees in site and offer the view to major sights of city, the building is conceived as a merged volume with three viewing tubes like tree branches orientating to different axis. Half buried and half cantilevered, the building provides to the visitor different experience on two levels.

See more minimalist designs at Leibal

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