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@ 2013-06-08 16:46:00

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WhiteLies Streetstyle: Kelvin Krash

tumblr mo2vlnC7741qg296mo1 1280 650x975 WhiteLies Streetstyle: Kelvin Krash

Kelvin Krash is a London based multi creative participant. Photographer, Director, Producer and member of H.O.C. Visit his tumblr, soundcloud and vimeo to see some work of him. Also swing by his online boutique TRESOR. It’s definitely worth checking out. This picture shows a rare case of great personal style. It’s masculine, refined and kept classic. The outfit combines high fashion smoothly with elements of hip-hop style.

See more of him on WhiteLies Magazine (

givenchybackpacktresorb  55537.1369595818.1280.1280 650x866 WhiteLies Streetstyle: Kelvin Krash

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