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@ 2013-06-08 16:21:00

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«Welcome! Sochi 2014»: The Dark Side of Sochi Olympic Games

09 «Welcome! Sochi 2014»: The Dark Side of Sochi Olympic Games

Exactly one year before the long awaited Sochi Olympics, Vladimir Putin went to Sochi personally to see how the construction is going. After receiving a report saying the ski jumps that were supposed to be ready in 2011, are not completed still, while their price has sky-rocketed from 1.2 billion to 8 billion roubles, he commented, “Good for you. Good job”, and then fired the vice president of the Olympic committee.

Russian artist Vasily Slonov painted his view of the upcoming games, giving a new interpretation to the adored Russian mascot Cheburashka, and combining officially endorsed stereotypes of Russia with grimmer and less accepted ones.

146 «Welcome! Sochi 2014»: The Dark Side of Sochi Olympic Games
233 «Welcome! Sochi 2014»: The Dark Side of Sochi Olympic Games
326 «Welcome! Sochi 2014»: The Dark Side of Sochi Olympic Games
418 «Welcome! Sochi 2014»: The Dark Side of Sochi Olympic Games
512 «Welcome! Sochi 2014»: The Dark Side of Sochi Olympic Games
68 «Welcome! Sochi 2014»: The Dark Side of Sochi Olympic Games
78 «Welcome! Sochi 2014»: The Dark Side of Sochi Olympic Games
86 «Welcome! Sochi 2014»: The Dark Side of Sochi Olympic Games
96 «Welcome! Sochi 2014»: The Dark Side of Sochi Olympic Games
108 «Welcome! Sochi 2014»: The Dark Side of Sochi Olympic Games

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