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@ 2013-06-07 21:44:00

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BAPE – A Nostalgic Moodboard on WhiteLies Magazine

tumblr m62hanGNtt1qi9jvvo1 500 BAPE   A Nostalgic Moodboard on WhiteLies Magazine

It has just been about 2 weeks since NIGO, the emperor of streetwear, left BAPE, the brand he found. In February 2011 news came out that NIGO had sold 90% of the Bape brand to Hong Kong’s I.T. After almost 20 successful years in the business, NIGO said at the time that the business side of BAPE had not been taken care of properly and therefore resulted in some financial difficulties and eventually in the sale. We are very sad to see him leave, BAPE won’t be the same without him, he definitely shaped an era. This is a Moodboard in honor of NIGO, the streetwear mastermind.

See the whole moodboard (50+ pictures) now on WhiteLies Magazine (

tumblr m73vu8ketP1qzlsgho1 500 BAPE   A Nostalgic Moodboard on WhiteLies Magazine

bape visual history 9 BAPE   A Nostalgic Moodboard on WhiteLies Magazine

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