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@ 2013-06-07 11:45:00

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Duffy London*Studio

1 Christopher Duffy Duffy London*Studio

Duffy London is a creative studio specialized in making furniture wizardry in a spacious studio in east London. Founded by Christopher Duffy in 2002, Duffy London’s designs ideas based in combining art and function and playing with unique concepts of gravity, geometry and illusion.


2 Shadow Chair2 Duffy London*Studio


3 Shadow Chair 11 Duffy London*Studio

5 up balloon suspended coffee table duffy london Duffy London*Studio

Then there are the LAB Lamps, looking like something a mad scientist put together with bits of lab equipment, and the delightful Swing Table, which will transport you back to your childhood.


6 swing table Duffy London*Studio

And the famous Swing Table, that uses its structure to suspend a central, faceted lamp in addition to eight swing-like hanging chairs. Injecting a little extra fun into dinner time and boardroom meetings with swings and the benefit of making vacuuming a breeze. Read more…


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