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@ 2013-06-07 10:06:00

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Package and Product Design : Jeep Legendary Accessories

Designers Bram Coumou and Oscar Marchal of Leo Burnett Madrid, created the concept and designs of this line of accessories for their client Jeep.

Handcrafted silver cufflinks that can light a fire, an elegant neck tie that tows up to 3 tons of weight and a sleek pair of socks that can hold up to 6 liters of petrol. The perfect items for both urban and adventure lifestyles.

You can see the demo video here :

jeep Packs sinlogoCO 650x366 Package and Product Design : Jeep Legendary AccessoriesjeepLA logoCO 650x366 Package and Product Design : Jeep Legendary AccessoriesCufflinksOpen 650x366 Package and Product Design : Jeep Legendary AccessoriesCufflinksCloseup 650x366 Package and Product Design : Jeep Legendary Accessories

TieOpen 650x366 Package and Product Design : Jeep Legendary AccessoriesSocksOpen 650x366 Package and Product Design : Jeep Legendary Accessories

IMG 0177 650x433 Package and Product Design : Jeep Legendary AccessoriesIMG 0137 650x433 Package and Product Design : Jeep Legendary Accessories

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